Using an Agency - Save Time, Place Stronger Candidates

Recruiting agencies aren't for everyone. But chances are, if you're reading this, they may be for you.  The role of an agency is to act as a specialist for a role or search.

For each new role, your internal team (if you have one) spins up a new search from scratch, screens the candidates, then (if you're lucky) they'll bring you a shortlist in a week or two. When you contact a specialized agency, ideally, they'll have a frothy pipeline ready to go. This compresses the hiring timeline, gives you access to a larger candidate pool, and ultimately leads to stronger hires.

Imagine leaving an interview and thinking "wow". Imagine your new developer or engineer role starting in two weeks, instead of six. Imagine the team not going another month and a half (or longer) down a contributor.

Can we make all hiring this easy? Yes and no.

We're specialists. We're sushi chefs working with top-of-the-line tuna. We can help you grow from 4 to 40 engineers (or total headcount).

If you're looking to hire for several positions our recruiters can work alongside your team, as needed, for extended periods. In this type of relationship, there's lower fees and you can grow without hiring your own additional recruiters full-time.

Our goal is to make you successful, to see you grow with the best talent. We can find your next great engineer or CTO. We can assign someone from our team to work alongside you. Technical roles are our thing. If you're looking for help outside of a technical role we're happy to discuss working on it, or make a recommendation if we can't.

Need a confidential search done?

We can do that. Hiring founding engineers, a CTO, or other early executives can be sensitive, especially if you haven't launched yet.  Using an agency will give you insight to the whole talent pool and make sure your early hires are the strong foundation you'll need without blasting the company on job boards.

How to work with us

Book a call!

Head over to the consultation page and book a meeting time. The first call is very straightforward, and if there's a mutual fit we can get started same-day.