How to Find Software Engineers
Hiring qualified software engineers can be a difficult task and finding top talent can be time-consuming and costly. Therefore, it is critical to choose the best candidate possible so that you don’t have to repeat the hiring process all over again.
Before identifying the qualities you want in your future software engineer, you must first know where to look. So where exactly should you go to recruit a software engineer? This article offers some possible ways to connect with potential hires as well as ways to make the process as efficient (in terms of both time and budget) as possible.
5 Places to Find Software Engineers
There are numerous places to find software engineers, but let’s be honest – not all of them are created equal. Let’s take a deep dive into some of your options so that you can gain a deeper understanding of where to look when hiring for these in-demand, technical positions.
Recruiting Agencies
Recruiting agencies are the most effective option on this list for finding future employees. Why? Recruiters have access to a larger talent pool, have expertise in the industry, and can facilitate a faster hiring process.
Often, recruiters are able to conduct interviews and screen candidates, presenting only the best few to the hiring company. Relying on expert recruiters like those at UpsideJobs can streamline the sometimes lengthy hiring process and find the true top candidates.
Job Boards
Job boards refer to platforms such as Indeed, ZipRecruiter, and Glassdoor. These platforms allow companies to sort quickly through candidates. Filters include experience and education level, skills, and location – making it easy to narrow your search.
However, this process of filtering can allow many talented individuals to slip through the cracks. This method does not allow for the more comprehensive hiring picture that often yields the best candidates.
Software Engineering Conferences
Attending conferences can be a great way to recruit software engineers. But unfortunately, this method often requires a lot of travel and planning. Using these conferences solely as a way to attract potential candidates is often not the most cost-effective option.
Job Fairs
Universities and local governments often host job fairs as a means to connect job seekers with companies. While they can serve as a great way to boost brand recognition, sometimes, these fairs can be too general for the experience you seek within a software engineer.
You may also run into more candidates who are just beginning their careers than seasoned experts. Whether or not this method is effective really depends on what you’re looking for.
Social Media
Sites like LinkedIn offer a mix of both social media and job boards to create a network of connections. With social media, you can promote your company, posting possible job opportunities and updates to attract talented software engineers.
Finding qualified prospects on LinkedIn requires significant effort, however, and it may be more efficient to pass the job along to someone experienced in hiring for the role.
Why Outsourcing Your Recruiting Just Makes Sense
The hiring process is not a simple one. Without the help of a recruiting agency, businesses must first formulate a search with the necessary traits candidates must have, spend weeks screening clients, and then narrow all applicants to a shortlist. With minimal or no prior experience in the field, this task can seem daunting.
Plus, most companies (especially leaner startups) don’t have that kind of time. When a new role opens, many businesses’ main goal is to have it filled as quickly as possible. Sometimes, when trying to hire in such a short time, businesses sacrifice the crucial step of ensuring that the individual they pick is truly the best fit for their organization.
Hiring a recruiting agency is a great way to circumvent this dilemma. Recruiting agencies, especially those specialized in the field, already have a pipeline of talent. With their expertise in the field, they are able to find the best fit for your company in the span of only a few weeks – rather than months.
Investing in a recruiting agency saves time and money in the long run. Employees hired by recruiters often have better retention rates, as they possess traits aligned not only with your company culture but also their specific role. A longer retention period eliminates future costs associated with rehiring.
Recruiting agencies are an extremely common and effective tool to build your team. They can be especially fruitful in technical fields such as software engineering.
When looking to hire for your company, UpsideJobs offers fast and responsive hiring to suit the unique needs of your organization. Schedule a consultation today.